Content searching, also known as Full Text searching, it is very powerful way to search for specific content within given document
and not necessarily relying on metadata associated with the record itself.
Conceptually, it is very similar to web searches. Bots catalog the web content and associate with a specific web link. Later,
search engine compares the search keywords or Content Phrase against the cataloged data. It then rates the relevance and presents
the user with list of web links.
Similarly, City Of West Palm Beach catalogs the Resolution record content, making content searches possible.
As sophisticated content searches are, at the same time, they are not very smart, which can lead to some frustrations in constructing
unique keyword patterns returning meaningful result sets.
For example:
Search for keyword "Contract", may result in 2093 records. However, phrase "Contract 99-150" Returns only one (1).
- Do not use common words or phrases like "and", "because" or even "West Palm Beach".
- Avoid special characters.
- Use all three search methods to locate the information you are looking for.
- Experiment with different word combinations; make the search tool work for you.
Good Luck…