Ordinance Search


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Pick Your Search Type.
Enter Search Criteria.
Click Search.
Maximum, allowed Date Range per search, 365 days.
* Date Range (MM/DD/YYYY):


Provide Ordinance Number, optionally include Date Range to narrow down your search. Limit 500 results per search.

e.g. "Ordinance No": Start with ####-, Ends with -##, Contains ##-.
* Ordinance No:
Date Range (MM/DD/YYYY):


All Ordinance records are fully searchable. However, in order to produce meaningful results, your search phrase has to be unique. Please try to avoid special characters. Limit 500 results per search.
* Content Phrase:
Date Range (MM/DD/YYYY):



The data is provided for reference purposes only. Any reliance on the information contained herein is at the user’s own risk. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IS MADE REGARDING THE ACCURACY, ADEQUACY, COMPLETENESS, LEGALITY, RELIABILITY, TIMELINESS OR USEFULNESS OF THE DATA.ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED.The City of West Palm Beach assumes no responsibility for the use of the data contained herein or any loss or damages resulting therefrom.By accessing the data, you agree to accept the foregoing terms and conditions.